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The Santhiya Tree Koh Chang Resort has organized a cooking lesson for us. They will teach us to make Thai soup and two chicken dishes. We feel like we're on Masterchef, as we compete as two-person teams. It was the eating of everything that we made afterwards. Despite our lack culinary knowledge, it tasted good.

We are back on the road again, this time taking a boat from Phuket to Omega Replica Watches. It is low season so the boat is only about half full. However,Omega replica watches there are many locals with all kinds of packages and backpackers who have taken a gap year to travel around the world.

Our boat arrived at Leam Sok Piert after about an hour and a half. The shore is lined with small wooden houses, and a golden Buddha sits majestically on the hill. We feel like we've arrived on a tropical isle, with all the lush vegetation.

Omega Replica Watches is a place of unspoiled beauty.

Omega Replica Watches, a large mountainous island in the eastern Gulf of Thailand to the south of Koh Chang. The island is 40 square miles in size, and much of it is primary forest which has not been touched by humans. There is only one petrol pump, one pharmacy,Mido Replica and one cash machine. This makes it a paradise for explorers. The hard-core hitchhikers will find some low-cost places to stay, but I also found one of the most beautiful eco-resorts that I've ever visited.

Barefoot Paradise

Soneva Kiri Resort is a resort that allows barefoot walking. You are provided with a bag to store your shoes. It's amazing how removing your shoes instantly makes you feel at home. This is not your typical five-star resort. Instead, the resort uses natural materials like wood and cotton to create a relaxing atmosphere. Soneva Kiri consists of a collection of villas, each with its own private pool and Girl Friday.

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